ACJ Financial Planning - Independent Financial Advice - Retirement

You are enjoying your retirement and the wonderful things that come with it. But despite this, you still have some very important financial decisions to make. It's inevitable that you will be considering what you would want to happen to your estate upon your death and whom you would like to benefit. You may have conducted research into the complex world of inheritance tax and you are keen to learn more about whether this is applicable to you and what steps you could take in order to mitigate a potentially sizeable tax charge upon your death.

You may continue to hold a number of savings and investments and as you become older, and you may begin to consider how these assets will be assessed or potentially used to pay for long-term care if required.

The Questions we can help you answer

  • If I were to pass away, what might the inheritance tax liability be, and what steps might I take to mitigate this to ensure my beneficiaries would receive as much of my estate as possible?

  • Is the use of trusts some thing I should consider?

  • Do my existing savings and investments remain suitable as I near retirement, and are they invested in the right places for my risk appetite?

  • Do I need a Lasting Power of Attorney?

  • What happens if I require long-term care either in my home or in a residential setting?

How we can help you

  • Calculate your present and future estate and discuss with you the implications from an inheritance tax point of view

  • Discuss and implement the steps you could take to mitigate inheritance tax through the use of various IHT exemptions, nil-rate bands and other tools

  • Assess your existing retirement strategy and check is sustainability ensure you are able to maintain your standard of living with the support of cashflow modelling

  • Explore and define the risk(s) of your existing savings and investment holdings and recommend suitable alternatives where appropriate

  • Regularly review your retirement strategy to reduce longevity risk where you could run out of money due to unsustainable withdrawals or poor market performance

There is a risk to your capital, and you may not get back the full amount invested. The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise.

The financial conduct authority do not regulate will writing, loans, credit cards or some forms of mortgage, tax advice, offshore investments and estate planning.

Contact us

A conversation costs nothing. Our initial meeting is provided completely free of charge to allow you the opportunity to understand more about the services that we offer and to identify areas where you could benefit from our services. Feel free to get in touch via the below contact form or call our office on 01788 648108 or